About the episode:Seaboard & Matthews
It's a 50/50 shot if this episode will help the leadership in Matthews take a look at how they're preserving town history or if it will cause the few businesses we're working with in that area to back out of their contracts with us due to offense...here's hoping for the former. This week we visit Matthews' beer-muda triangle while trying to determine the likelihood of a town-wide secret society. We'll learn what it means to be a 'bee city', brewery culture doesn't equate to blaring AC/DC into the late night hours, and what's in store of our local soccer team. What we will NOT learn this week is how many seats exist in the Sportsplex, the mechanics behind throwing shade, and how something can be considered a bank robbery if nothing was ever taken. Oh, and if you're a loyal listener, the time has come to make yourself known!